Globe Life Insurance Company of New York claims paid more than $51 million on life claims in 2023.

Globe Life Insurance Company of New York

Globe Life Insurance Company of New York provides supplemental insurance for the Senior market in New York State. Our superior service, quality products, and financial stability are some of the reasons New Yorkers choose Globe Life Insurance Company of New York. Browse our website to learn more about our Company, research Medicare Supplement plans, or search for career opportunities.

 Looking for a solution to your insurance needs?

Get information on Globe Life Insurance Company of New York’s Medicare Supplement, Group Medicare Supplement insurance from a local agent.

Already a Customer? Manage your policy online!

Enroll in automatic premium payment, get answers to your policy questions 24-hours a day online, and more. Check it out!

“Automatic” Claims Filing® (ACF®)

ACF® is included with your Medicare Supplement insurance policy at no cost. We file your Medicare Part B claims automatically – virtually eliminating insurance paperwork hassles for you.

  Medicare Supplements

We offer a wide range of plans to supplement your Medicare Part A and B coverage. Research Globe Life Insurance Company of New York’s Medicare Supplement insurance to find a plan that fits your needs and budget.

  Life Insurance

When you purchase life insurance, you do it for your family, not for yourself. It’s never easy to think about what life would be like for your family after you’re gone, but planning now can help your loved ones focus on the life you lived and less on your final expenses.
